From Blueprint To Reality: The Art Of Designing Vehicle Engines


  • Hussein Younus Razzaq Institut Teknis Karbala
  • Intisar Rasheed Saleh Universitas Teknik Al-Furat Al-Awsat



Technology, Engine, Computer-Aided Design, Economy, Emission


The influence of engineering extends far beyond traditional boundaries with the evolving automotive sector and its increasing importance highlighted in this articles exploration of the intricate world of car engine design through historical insights and current advancements that significantly impact the automotive industry. Key elements in engine design such as thermodynamics, materials selection, fuel systems, emission control and stress analysis are introduced systematically as factors, for efficient and ecofriendly powertrain solutions. The industry’s dedication to finding solutions is clearly seen in how they consider sustainability factors during the engine design process. The study also delves into the influence of engine design within the sector alongside advancements and market trends to emphasize the crucial role of innovation in staying competitive and meeting consumer needs. Finally, the research proposes paths, for engine design exploration courting new challenges and uncharted territories that are poised to shape the evolution of vehicle propulsion.


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How to Cite

Hussein Younus Razzaq, & Intisar Rasheed Saleh. (2024). From Blueprint To Reality: The Art Of Designing Vehicle Engines. Venus: Jurnal Publikasi Rumpun Ilmu Teknik , 2(5), 105–123.