Rancang Bangun Pendeteksi Pencemaran Air Laut Berbasis Microprocessor
Pollution, Raspberry, Internet of Things (IoT)Abstract
Sea water pollution is an increasingly urgent global issue, caused by various factors such as industrial waste, household waste, and ship activities. One of the solutions needed to overcome this pollution is the development of a detection system that is able to monitor polluting substances quickly, accurately, and efficiently. This research aims to design and build a microcontroller-based seawater pollution detection system, which can identify various pollution parameters in real-time. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method to develop a system consisting of several main components, including a pH sensor, turbidity sensor, Arduino Uno, GPS module, Raspberry Pi 4, USB camera, LiPo battery, and step-down converter. Each component is tested individually before being integrated into the overall system. The results of testing in a real environment show that the system is able to detect seawater pollution parameters with high accuracy. However, there are some errors in data collection, especially in the camera sensor with a percentage error of 32%, turbidity sensor 20%, and pH sensor 24%. Further improvements and developments were made based on the evaluation results to enhance system performance. The resulting system is considered accurate, reliable and easy to use, making an important contribution to efforts to protect seawater quality and mitigate the negative impacts of pollution on the environment and human health.
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