Pengoptimalan Persediaan Bahan Baku Utama Untuk Mengatasi Tantangan Industri Menggunakan Metode Just In Time (JIT) Dan Silver Meal Heuristic Pada PT. Indonesia Plafon Semesta
Inventory, Raw Materials, Just In Time (JIT), Silver Meal HeuristicAbstract
The inventory problem that still occurs at PT Indonesia Plafon Semesta is the accumulation of resin and calcium raw materials which results in considerable losses. PT Indofon began to experience a buildup of resin raw materials in August amounting to 16,100Kg and for calcium amounting to 15,200Kg so that each month it soared until its peak in October, namely a buildup of 23,500Kg of resin, and 23,200Kg of calcium. The use of the right method for inventory control problems is Just In Time , which is a management strategy used to optimize the production process and product delivery by buying and producing only when needed and at the right time. Silver Meal Heuristic, a heuristic approach used in inventory control to determine the optimal lot size. The quantity of raw material orders using JIT is relatively more than the silver meal, but with JIT the supplier only needs to send 4-5 times, meaning that the company can save costs. The quantity and frequency obtained from data processing using silver meal is more optimal. However, the cost of raw material inventory incurred is quite large. For a decrease in efficiency costs by implementing a policy of making purchases with Just In Time (JIT) and is expected to save on raw material inventory costs. So that these cost savings can be allocated by the company to other costs.
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